The effort on Facebook by Obama supporters is showing unbelievable growth…
For those that might dismiss this–that’s over 100,000 people you can keep in contact with if you are a campaign. And it’s only in a short time.
Call It A Comeback
The effort on Facebook by Obama supporters is showing unbelievable growth…
For those that might dismiss this–that’s over 100,000 people you can keep in contact with if you are a campaign. And it’s only in a short time.
It remains to be seen how that translates to action on the ground, but it is pretty damned impressive.
I read this by a diarist on MYDD yesterday and the guy loved being able to rub this in Stoller’s face, who hates Obama in a Siorta kind of way (Oliver Willis even had to write a blog about Stoller and his getting over ridiculous in his anti Obama campaign).
It was worth seeing that diary and the amount of friends on facebook and have it shoved in Matt Stoller’s face.
vwcat, it’s funny that you complain about Stoller, seeing as how you trash talk with the best of ’em.
Stoller is like that towards all of the candidates, although I’ve noticed he never writes about Wes Clark.