Sirota Jumps the Gun on Obama

The Progressive States Network co-founded by David Sirota jumps on Obama to decline or reject an invitation to ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council.  In PSN’s defense, ALEC had Obama on their frontpage (removed already) and it is an odious organization. The thing is the campaign confirmed it was not attending within minutes of having seen the press release and could have confirmed that with a quick call.

I don’t mind pressuring Democratic candidates to do the right thing, but we also ought to check to see if ALEC wasn’t just using Obama before jumping on him. They were and a quick phone call or e-mail would have answered the question.

There is a point here about how we interact within Democratic constituencies.  If we want to build up relationships and trust, the way to do that is to communicate.  That didn’t happen hear and it puts everyone in a pissy mood instead of working together to target ALEC’s dishonest use of Obama and their general odiousness.

10 thoughts on “Sirota Jumps the Gun on Obama”
  1. It’s so sad that Creators Syndicate chose Sirota to replace the great Molly Ivins. I’d rather they replaced her column with some schmuck like Alan Colmes than a dishonest hack like Sirota.

  2. Sorry you folks decided not to read the press release or the post, instead saying we “attacked” Obama. Wrong. We urged him to reject the invitation, which he did, and we are now issuing a follow-up release congratulating him.

    This is known as movement politics, rather than partisan politics. The goal was never to attack Obama – and we didn’t attack him. The goal was to expose ALEC – which we did. Mission accomplished.

  3. Sirota Pressed to Reject Invitation From Extremist Groups!

    I’m calling on David Sirota to reject any and all possible future invitations to appear at meetings of the following organizations: The Gray Citizens Legion, NAMBLA, The Secret Order of Mu, The Defense of Marriage Counsel, The Gay Nazis, Americans United for Obesity, The Disco Pirates, The Illuminati and The Lakota Supremacy League.

    Please recognize that this is NOT a snarky and dishonest “attack” on David Sirota.

    Instead, the goal is to “expose” the groups listed above. That mission will be accomplished when Mr. Sirota publicly declines any forthcoming invitations from the groups listed above or other extremist groups — real or imaginary — whether he is aware of the invitations or not.

    — SCAM

  4. The only thing you don’t mention, Austin Mayor, was that special little detail: My mug wasn’t on the front of those organization’s website or its promotional material advertising me as a speaker.

    Oh, but I guess you forgot that small detail that brings down your whole absurd metaphor…just an oversight, eh?

  5. Out of curiousity, David Sirota, how do you know your mug isn’t on the front of those organization’s websites right now? Did you check?

    I guess Obama’s campaign should hire someone who’s job it is to just make the rounds of websites every day to see if they’ve put a picture of him on their front page.

  6. I’m not checking NAMBLA’s website. But I know SCAM is a reliable source, so I believe it. Fight the power, Sirota!

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