More Fun With Conservatives

Since Arch is out of town and can’t make light of Petey’s investigations into the homosexual lifestyle, I thought we can examine another right-wing darling: pro-life nurse Jill Stanek.

A couple of weeks ago, Jill posted the following observation:

“Abortion proponents attempting to answer that question should run into a problem. By trying to protect one flank, they’ve exposed another.

“To be consistent, the abortion industry’s definition of when a pregnancy begins should agree with its definition of when it ends. But the two don’t jibe.”

She then argues that the pro-choice stand on abortion procedure bans (what the pro-lifers call “partial-birth-abortion”) is hypocritical.

Well, since when is the end of something the exact converse of its beginning? Following that logic, pro-lifers believe that life begins at conception — the moment when an organism has a full set of chromosones. So, does life end when the chromosones are finally separated? Does that mean that life ends when the last cell containing chromosones has finally decomposed?

There are plenty of other fun logical fallacies in both her post and the original article. Today’s challenge: who can list the most obscure logical fallacy made by Jill.

On a side note: I will give Stanek credit for her willingness to engage in debate with those who disagree. Her exchanges with Eric Zorn are a particularly good example. So, I fully expect Jill to stop by here. Hi, Jill — welcome. Don’t blame Arch for this post; I’m just a lowly guest poster having a bit o’ fun.

UPDATE: I lied about leaving Petey alone today. I found a new technique in reparative therapy that he can investigate:

Christian psychotherapist Richard Cohen, board president of the ex-homosexual education and outreach organization known as Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX), is addressing criticism leveled against certain therapy techniques he uses on clients with homosexual desires.
. . .
Cohen’s methods have raised some questions, however; and he has lately taken sharp criticism over a May 23 appearance on Cable News Network (CNN), in which he demonstrated a technique that involves cuddling a male client in his lap.

One thought on “More Fun With Conservatives”
  1. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that dialogue. Stanek routinely deletes comments that she doesn’t like. If you want to have fun with Jill, ask her how many winning Illinois candidates she has supported, or ask her how she can oppose the pro-life candidate in the Penn. Senate race.

    However, if she does decide to engage in dialogue, you might want to ask her if her “abortion doctors should go to jail” opinion also applies to nurses.

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