Tom Roeser is making a good case for people who think he has lost his faculties.
A few days ago, Roeser insisted
This is the first occasion in modern times when matters of a personal biographical nature have been responded to-not by the candidate nor his official surrogates-but by unofficial media sources. John Kennedy was obliged to go to the Houston Ministerial Association and outline his views on Catholicism.
As I pointed out then, Axelrod already addressed the claims and is an official surrogate as is Robert Gibbs who is certainly an official surrogate.
Today, the goalposts move:
So, So-Called Austin Mayor, chances are good that you and your fellows have been sucker-bait for Mr. Axelrod because they want to end the speculation without getting their guy on the record thereby preserving the candidate’s deniability.
It’s a bit hard to tell how Obama could credibly deny some super secret revelation since Axelrod discussed the issue, Gibbs sent out a long detailed denial and most of all, Obama has given hundreds of interviews and speeches discussing his religious faith. In fact, one particular speech, the Keynote to A Call to Renewal, specifically dealt with his past faith and is much like Kennedy’s speech to the Houston Ministerial Association.
But best of all, Roeser leaves himself open to criticizing Obama on the issue as long as he feels like it no matter the total and complete lack of evidence:
But sometime they’re going to have to answer it head-on as John Kennedy did. Then, even if Obama answers it satisfactorily, he and they will still have been responsible for a bonehead play–because by ducking and relying on CNN and other outlets to do their work for them, thus heightening justifiable cynicism that they weren’t telling the truth, they worsened their problem for themselves.
The final difference is, of course, that Obama has never claimed to be a practicing Muslim and there is no evidence that he ever was. On the other hand, John Kennedy was a practicing Catholic.
Roeser reveals a bit more about himself than he intended though:
Given Obama’s middle name I maintain there is more to this story than we’ve been told.
That’s the crux of his argument. But he isn’t a degenerate liar and racist. Just ask him.
Then we get this gem:
Also it is plain knowledge that the leaks came not from Republican sources but roundabout from the squinty-eyed son of a squinty-eyed FDR interior secretary, Harold Ickes. Sweet asked Obama’s press secretary if the rumor was leaked by the Hillary forces. No, of course not! Give me and all of us a break.
Evidence please? How is this plain knowledge? Little voices in Tom’s head?
Given Obama’s middle name I maintain there is more to this story than we’ve been told.
What, so only white Christian people can be named after their parents?
“So, So-Called Austin Mayor, chances are good that you and your fellows have been sucker-bait for Mr. Axelrod…”
Indeed, SCAM. I remember what a shill for Tammy Duckworth you were during the primary, when Axelrod used his voodoo to lure you from Cegelis.
Roeser has your number, my friend.
Given Obama’s middle name I maintain there is more to this story than we’ve been told.
Because clearly, bearing the name Hussein is a sign you that are pure evil. It’s the same reason men named Dennis have rushed to legally change their names to not be associated with Dennis Rader, the BTK Killer.
what is wrong with these people? The senator is named after his father who was an agnostic. He never has had any organized religion in his life until he was a community organizer in Chicago.
What do they want. For Obama to dig up the school and transport it in it’s whole to the US so the wingers can see it for themselves.
The Senator was 6 years old and it was 1967! for crying out loud. there was no terrorist conspiracy.
Tell them to grow up and get a life. The only reason they are obsessing is because they are jealous the man is so popular and loved by people while thier dunderheads are old and boring and no one cares about them.
That or they are jealous because Obama has a brain and they don’t.
Next they’ll be complaining that he didn’t serve during the Vietnam War (which is literally true):
“Yes, when other Americans were fighting and dying in Vietnam, Barack Hussein Obama was nowhere to be seen. Even worse, in the dark days of the Tet Offensive, he was actually in a school completely funded by the Indonesians, a largely Islamic society. When will the Democrat [sic] Senator come clean on his past and tell us why he was hanging out with a bunch of Muslims when his fellow-countrymen were risking their lives but a hair’s breath away in South-east Asia?”
Shoot Leo, forget ‘Nam. I wonder why Barack didn’t bother enlisting for WWII. If he’s really the “greatest”, shouldn’t he have volunteered to be part of the “Greatest Generation”???
For that matter, where the heck was “Barry” while Washington was crossing the Delaware!?!?! Just what sort of no-experience freshman Senator is he?
Obama is despised in the Senate as a lazy, unprincipled dolt, who will sell out anyone and everyone, just like he did his own grandmother. The nomination will be wasted on him, he will lose 49 states in November.
Hussein means he is a Muslim mole who joined Chicago church and Democratic Party just to advance his political career. He is as christian as you are buddists, you simpletons…