An early winner with ABC’s Jake Tapper claiming Obama has no plan for Iraq (never mind the ‘winning’ phrase as the administration has no plan to ‘win’ Iraq).

Earlier in the report, after playing a portion of Obama’s video announcing his decision, Tapper suggested that Obama has no plan for Iraq, saying, “Left unanswered today: responses to tough questions on how to win the war in Iraq.” Tapper went on to note that, in 2002, Obama was “[r]allying against the [Iraq] war in Chicago,” but made no mention of several interviews Obama gave, including one on Nightline itself, in response to President Bush’s January 10 address, during which Bush called for 21,500 additional U.S. troops to be deployed to Iraq. On the January 10 edition of Nightline, Obama told co-host Terry Moran that the problem in Iraq is “political,” not “military,” and said that “[a] phased withdrawal is the only leverage we have to force that political accommodation.”

Not to mention he has given two long policy speeches on a plan for a phased withdrawal in a little over a year. Details, schmetails….

I currently have about 1000 Daily Dolts for Obama alone, but eventually we will get back to some sense of normalcy and other Illinois doltishness.

3 thoughts on “Daily Dolt”
  1. Yeah, but he wins a few points for liberalizing the media a bit through his cussing in a news report…

    “Just who the hell is this guy [Obama],” Tapper asked during that same report.

    Maybe Nightline will report on a piano in his house next. Dolt.

  2. Phased withdrawal isn’t really a plan…

    Although, I think some of this “cut and run” stuff coming from the Congress is a good thing. It puts more pressure on the Iraqi government to do what they need to do. It’s not the first time we’ve exercised this good cop – bad cop thing.

    And I also think we are getting a good lesson in democratic politics. A democratically elected government isn’t necessarily going to do what we wish it too. Moreover, if we step in and try to force things we’re going against the very principles we preach.

  3. I think the reason for so many is that no one in the media knows what to make of Obama. They know he writes his own books and is really smart. Is memerizing as a speaker. Has done some thoughtful legislation. Has all these cranky, bleary eyed pros in politics and media swooning. He can’t be a flash. But, he has no record. He can’t be compared to anyone else to justify any “see see”
    He wants to end partisanship but, isn’t the evil DLC. So what? So how do we define him and what is he??? He puzzles and yet they have to write like they are in the know. And everytime they miss.

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