Cook County Circular Firing Squad

Apparentltly the ICFST doesn’t have enough fights going on so the Cook County Republicans are having a bitter contest for Cook County Chair.

The great part is that the conservative wing isn’t happy with either candidate:

Others were less charitable. ?They (Murphy and Peraica) are equally worthless,? said Jack Roeser, President of the Carpentersville-based Family Taxpayers Network (FTN). ?The Cook County party is going nowhere until someone not appointed by (Republican National Committeeman) Bob Kjellander and Judy Baar is positioned to lead. As long as Kjellander and Topinka are around, no unity is possible.?

ICFST==Illinois Circular Firing Squad Team==Illinois Republican Party

3 thoughts on “Cook County Circular Firing Squad”
  1. Evidently, Don Stephens, Mayor of Rosemont, is the kingmaker in all this. Stephens has alleged ties to organized crime through the Rosemont casino. So of course Cook County Republicans are going to support the Illinois Gaming commission in it’s fight to keep Gov. Blagoyavitch and Atty. Gen. Madigan out of the casino selection process.
    On Stephens’ role (from Sneed:)
    GOP goop . . .
    Sneed hears rumbles Cook County Republican chairman Maureen Murphy isn’t the only one bending Rosemont Mayor Don Stephens’ ear to retain her job. Sneed also hears Cook County Commissioner/Lyons Township GOP Committeeman Tony Peraica also wants the job.

    On Organized Crime ties and the casino:

  2. AP, besides Topinka, what other prominent Ill Repubs represent the moderate wing of the GOP?

    Have they totally abdicated control to the Conservatives? Are they all relegated to the Refreshment Commitee?

    I would like to write an open letter to join the Dems!

  3. No, there is still a fight. Tom Cross is pretty moderate as is Skip Saviano. The moderates are really starting to lose though. I think you can add Biggert to that classification and actually Tim Johnson in the 15th, though he has a whole set of issues surrounding him personally. While we typically don’t think of him as terribly moderate because he is socially conservative, Ray Lahood is generally seen as moderate and even many argue Hastert is.

    It’s all in how you define them really. Some see the moderates as those who place projects or deals above ideology. Others define it along social issues. Along social issues generally most moderates are gone and we see this in increasing Democratic presence in the suburbs. The issues arise with folks who are socially conservative meaning pro-life and such, but are willing to cut deals. LaHood, Hastert, GRyan, and even Jim Ryan fit that category.

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