Rich runs down a bunch of the potentials to replace Tim Balderman as the Republican nominee for Congress in Illinois-11.  God cannot love me enough to let Chris Lauzen run so I’ll discount that possibility right now.

The name that has floated around the most without being shot down is a potential self-funder in Martin Ozinga, one of the brothers running a concrete pouring company.  The business has some issues.  From the Chicago Tribune January 27, 2005

The trucks have brought their owners, Ozinga Bros. Inc. , tens of millions of dollars in city contracts and launched members of the family-owned firm to noted positions in local political and charitable circles.

But behind the scenes, documents and interviews show, the Ozinga firm repeatedly dodged city rules and exploited an affirmative-action program to win lucrative contracts.

Now Ozinga trucks pour concrete for the city under an unusual deal: The city has exempted the company from virtually all minority set-aside requirements.

As City Hall wrestles with scandals in its programs to lift minority- and women-owned businesses, the Ozingas provide a case study in how a white-owned company can work the system–and win.

The company’s actions include creating a spinoff concrete firm in the 1980s to win city business reserved exclusively for minority-owned companies. Martin, Richard and James Ozinga–all white men–enlisted the help of two African-American churches in Chicago’s depressed South Side, giving nine church members 51 percent ownership to technically meet the city’s rules.

But two of the African-American church members now say the spinoff company was bogus and that minorities had little control of the business. “It was a classic front,” church member Henry Washington says.

It’s messier than that and I’ll have more later, but this looks like a fine choice for the Illinois GOP.

0 thoughts on “Bring Out the Self-Funders”
  1. smells like a little hired truck here…

    …and a little good old fashioned fraud over here…

    yup…the perfect ILGOP Candidate!

  2. What kind of issues does this business has?

    “The name that has floated around the most without being shot down is a potential self-funder in Martin Ozinga, one of the brothers running a concrete pouring company. The business has some issues. From the Chicago Tribune January 27, 2005”

    Finical or management issues? Be specific and make your self clear.

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