Petey is going to inform everyone of where public sex is happening:

Men are having perverted ’sex’ with other men all over America–in parks, public restrooms (at places like department stores) and highway rest stops–i.e., in your community “backyard.” There is a well-organized Internet networks that guides men on where to engage in their anonymous, sodomitic acts. Many of these men are not publicly “gay,” or do not identify as homosexual, so they put their unkowing wives or girlfriends in danger of contracting sexually-transmitted diseases.

We’ll tell you where these homosexual “public sex” spots are in your state, and what you can do about it.

And so, Petey is creating another network that guides men on where to engage in their anonymous, sodomitic acts.

19 thoughts on “You Don’t Say”
  1. Okay – let me start off by saying: This man does not speak for me.

    Does Pete think that wives and girlfriends are all fully aware of the heterosexual encounters that their husbands/boyfriends are having with hookers/bar skank in a cheap hotel downtown? Cause you know, it’s not like anyone’s ever transmitted an STD that way before.

  2. GOP–Petey doesn’t really think–thus he provides me great fodder.

    I talk to social conservatives far, far to the right of you who are repulsed by the man. The number of people he speaks for is pretty small, though a vocal crowd.

    And let’s face it, if guys who cheat on their wives could find women willing to have anonymous sex at rest stops, rest stops would be really crowded.

    Vasyl–I spit my pop out on that one.

  3. Well, he might as well rate them. He’ll probably be there doing his research into just what dreadful, awful, no-good perversions go on there in all the detail his binoculars can capture. I’m not an expert, but I suspect there are easier ways of getting gay porn.

  4. Let’s compare society in general with the Republican Party.

    Society in general is of mixed minds about homosexuality.

    The Republican Party is much more clearly anti-homosexual sex.

    People are born into society and can’t voluntarily leave. Also, we can’t put homosexuals into exile.

    The Republican Party is a voluntary association. The organization and members agree to affiliate with each other.

    Here’s my recommendation.

    The Republicans who have a problem with homosexual sex should focus their energy on purging the GOP of non-celibate homosexuals.

    After the GOP rids itself of the Lavender Bund or whatever they call it these days, then we can apply the lessons learned to society as a whole.

  5. I can’t say that you’re logic isn’t without merit, Carl. But the same could be said of the Democrats and, say, parental notification or partial birth abortion. Society as a whole is, at best, of mixed minds when it comes to those issues, but the left-wing interest groups have made the Democratic Party much more clearly pro-abortion-on-demand over the years.

    Maybe Democrats should go ahead and “purge” themselves anyone of feels that minors shouldn’t have unrestricted access to abortion, or be able to abort a child after it has already undergone the development necessary to sustain itself outside the womb, and see how well that works out for y’all. See if you can still pretend to be the “centrist,” “moderate” alternative to the “extremist” Republican Party.

  6. To be clear – I’m not trying to start a debate about the issue of abortion itself. My point is that the greatest myth in American politics today is that the Republicans are someone more “radically” right-wing than the Democrats are left-wing. Your activists eat your young and demand ideological purity just as much as ours do, on a national level.

  7. Meh. This is all so last week. What I want to know is where to get that hot man on box turtle action. Surely, someone in the grand ole predator party can fill us in.

  8. ===My point is that the greatest myth in American politics today is that the Republicans are someone more “radically” right-wing than the Democrats are left-wing. Your activists eat your young and demand ideological purity just as much as ours do, on a national level.

    What’s most telling are the measures of partisan differences between parties which shows polarization more than the US ever did in most of the postwar period–most of that is due to realignment instead of anything native to the parties, but it certainly gives the fringes more influence.

    That said, I think there are some institutional differences between the parties that end up creating more ideological conformity with GOP *office holders* than with Democrats. That doesn’t make individual GOP members any more extreme, but it can cause shifts to the right amongst the actual people in office. Neither party is immune from such problems, but while the greater organization of the National GOP gives them messaging discipline, it also moves office holders to the right. I don’t think that’s a permanent thing by any means either.

    Petey has nothing to do with this though and I don’t blame most Republicans for him–he’s just good entertainment.

  9. GOP, there’s a difference between what you propose–purging based on ideology–and what I suggested the Right Wing nut jobs do for the GOP.

    The Right Wing nuts would have us believe that they think homosexual sex is a gravely immoral act (at least when they aren’t buggering hustlers and interns). So, put up or shut up. If you aren’t willing to pull the rug on semi-closeted gay Republicans then quit bothering the rest of us with lunatic ravings.

    And as for you that make pragmatic alliances with these lunatics, don’t expect us to take you seriously when you profess outrage over late-term abortions.

    You don’t care much about these issues, you’re just insincerely throwing a bone to the wingnuts in your political coalition.

  10. Carl –

    As even Larry has pointed out, Mr. LaBarbera and “Americans for Truth” does not speak for, nor have an “alliance” with, the Republican Party – not in the least. They have no ties with the party, and LaBarbera himself is not a donor to any Republican candidates, according to FEC records.

  11. gop, who contributes to LaBarbera’s organization? Candidates from what political party get money from LaBarbera’s contributors?

    The links between Right Wing freaks and the GOP is pretty clear. Show me a Right Wing organization without Republican money and I’ll show you an organization with no influence or ability to get covered in traditional media outlets.

  12. Carl –

    As I pointed out on Larry’s earlier post about LaBarbera, there are plenty of equally objectionable left-wing “freaks” out there who Democrats don’t really want to be associated with publically, but don’t have any problem accepting support (including financial) from privately. Do you deny that this is true?

  13. “who contributes to LaBarbera’s organization? Candidates from what political party get money from LaBarbera’s contributors?”

    I don’t know, do you?

    There are plenty of left wing “freaks” out there who have “links” to Democratic candidates. As I asked in the earlier post about LaBarbera: do you really want to get into a pissing contest about this?

  14. I read this and couldn’t help but think that if I were a different type of guy, it could be a really useful resource. It would be helpful if he could put it up as an RSS feed so everyone could be constantly up-to-date.

  15. An RSS feed is a great idea, Narc.

    Maybe Illinois Review can add it to their Calendar of Events with the Xmas parties and Abortion Protests…

  16. I’d be more interested in learning where that well-organized internet networks is sending all those wives and girlfriends.

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