Petey is all over it. He doesn’t think Mr. Anti-Gay Marriage is anti-gay enough.
Can George Soros give Petey some money. There could be nothing better for Democrats than giving this guy a higher profile.
Call It A Comeback
Petey is all over it. He doesn’t think Mr. Anti-Gay Marriage is anti-gay enough.
Can George Soros give Petey some money. There could be nothing better for Democrats than giving this guy a higher profile.
This guy is clearly a moron, hell-bend on exporting the self-defeating obession with enforcing absolute purity among conservative Republicans that has worked out so nicely here in Illinois.
But, as the self-appointed defender of the GOP on this site, let me just say this: I’m not sure it’s fair (or wise, for that matter) to start a pissing contest over who’s fringe-radical-extremist supporters are more embarassing than the other’s. There’s some pretty crazy stuff said at Huffington Post and Kos that I’m sure most Democratic candidates would prefer not have linked to them and their campaigns, but they don’t go about rebuking each one. This sort of thing is a pox on both our houses.
Don’t worry about defending the GOP because of Petey–I don’t blame Republicans for the guy since he’s happy attacking Republicans much of the time. I’m just mocking Petey–and I suppose anyone who wants to take up his case, but that’s usually a pretty small group.