Making Bill Pascoe’s faux outrage even worse, Oberweis talked about wanting to privatize social security during the Trib forum.
“In return for being able to direct one quarter of the total payments into the special account, the individual would be giving up…the first, approximately six years of social security payments. It would move him from, say, 66 retirement to age 72 retirement.”
How does Pascoe refer to this privatization plan:
“To begin: the Foster ad falsely claims that Jim ’supported Bush’s scheme to privatize Social Security, gambling your retirement in the stock market.’ Bill Foster knows this isn’t true, because he sat next to Jim Oberweis yesterday in the Chicago Tribune’s editorial board endorsement session and heard Jim talk about his plan to strengthen Social Security, to make sure it’s still there 30 years from now.
Err…Oberweis has what is called a privatization plan–as CATO originally called it and, not only that, he wants to raise the age of retirement to 72!
It is great to see that today the article exposing Jim Oberweis‘ previous FEC violations is in third place on Google – one place ABOVE the Jim Oberweis for Congress website.
Jim Oberweis
[…] the details on Ill Review’s ignorance and Billy the Kid’s silliness, fiction, baloney, hogwash and even his advice for other campaign […]