What Does It Take to Be an Adult

The beginning of this administration had the irritating screed that the adults were back in charge and now things would be run right by such blowhards as Peggy Noonan.

So let’s review the record of one Adult

1) Through undermanning the invasion of Afghanistan allowed top Al Quaeda leadership (you know–the folks who actually attacked America directly) escape at Tora Bora

2) He created an insular group of advisers that refused to pay attention to the uniformed officers in the Pentagon. This created a bureaucratic echo chamber which criticism did not exist.

3) He and his team were taken in by a long time con-man who fed them faulty intelligence

4) He failed to inform the Commander-in-Chief and the Appropriate Legislative Oversight Committees of a scandal that would rock the world. He didn’t even bother with the issue until he heard the full story in the media

5) He ignored a former General and current Cabinet Member’s warning about the Abuse

6) He failed to plan for looting in “Post” war Iraq and then had the gall to insist it wasn’t serious

7) He has insulted historical allies (and no I’m not talking about France) leaving us with less international support in reconstruction

8) He underestimated troop strength in Iraq for the long haul leading to excessive burdens on our troops. This occurred even though the Army Chief of Staff warned against the troop levels being inadequate.

But The President says, he has done a “superb job”.

Is part of being an adult, denying the obvious?

It’s time for Rumsfeld to go. It’s well past time. Mr. President, restore honor and dignity to the Post of Secretary of Defense.

Too often the Democratic Party and its related committees have been to timid in taking on tough positions. But the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has gotten tough lately, both on DeLay and now on Rumsfeld. Reward that good behavior and show the party where you stand–sign the petition calling for Rumsfeld’s petition and if you can, reward them with some cash. They were out in front on this issue. And they continue. There aren’t many issues in which the DCCC is leading and yet in agreement with Novak and George Will.

I’m not Atrios–I’m not as liberal as he is–in fact, you might remember I supported the war until relatively recently, but I’m damn glad to see the party showing a backbone–if you are make sure they know that as well.

One thought on “What Does It Take to Be an Adult”
  1. Mr. Bush also told Mr. Rumsfeld, “You are a strong secretary of defense and our nation owes you a debt of gratitude.”

    “A debt of gratitude?” — I was thinking that we owed him something more along the lines of a swift kick to the groin.

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