As I said the other day, I tend to think McSweeney is a decent guy, just a decent guy I don’t want near Congress. He contacted me about this post to fill in his whole position and I respect that.

My point was (admittedly snarky) point that backing Hastert right now when there were contradictory claims running around and putting your neck out there isn’t good politically. To his credit, his actual position is pretty decent in relation to how to deal with it–get an investigation out there and have preliminary findings before the election.

Politically, I think he’s making a mistake, but I have to admit he seems to be responding authentically and I think like many parents, he’s pretty angry about the whole deal. More in a bit, but while I think the political position is bad politics, he seems serious about what he thinks and he wants it to be investigated quickly instead of just shuffled off until after the election.

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