He gets in on the Halfrican label.

Wouldn’t you think people would be embarrassed by miscegenation jokes by now?

2 thoughts on “Today’s Tosser”
  1. Seems to me that racism has made a roaring comeback in recent years. Why? and why are the wingers so racist and think it’s okay to be that way?
    What changed and when and why is it suddenly okay to be a pig.

  2. Dog-whistle politics … conservatives have found something that tunes in with their base.

    pssst… his middle name is Hussein

    …hey pal… didya know? he went to a madrassa

    you… yeah, you. i hear he has muslim kin on his paternal side. even his stepfather. scarey stuff because once it’s in your blood… well, you know what they’re like.

    The few conservatives saying “it doesn’t matter” and “why are conservatives even talking about this” are getting drowned out and bowled over by the low-rumbling, under-the-radar din of the right-wing’s subtle racism; a racism so subtle that when they get called out on it they laugh it off as simple ‘questions’ or ‘concerns’ or (as Fran Eaton now puts it) “Obama’s confusing family history”.

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