They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning…

Mitt Romney backed age appropriate sex education in 2002.

Former Gov. Mitt Romney attacked Sen. Barack Obama yesterday for purportedly wanting sex education in kindergarten.

It turns out, Romney himself once indicated support for the same sort of sex-ed approach — “age-appropriate” — that Obama backs.

In a Planned Parenthood questionnaire he filled out during his 2002 gubernatorial run, Romney checked ‘yes’ to a question asking, “Do you support the teaching of responsible, age-appropriate, factually accurate health and sexuality education, including information about both abstinence and contraception, in public schools?”

The answer, pointed out by a rival campaign, was resurrected in 2005 when Romney was criticized by Massachusetts pro-choice groups when he began to push an abstinence-heavy focus on sex education. Still, his spokesman said then that he still backed a “comprehensive” approach on teaching public school kids about sex.

The dude is a walking, talking contradiction.

Sound: The call him Flipper…. 

5 thoughts on “They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning…”
  1. I figure if Romney wins the nomination, we can just run all those commercials they ran against Kerry, only replacing the name.

    Low cost campaign. Can’t wait.

    The biggest challenge will be finding where they stashed those human-sized flip-flops.

  2. Please please please use his full given name when talking about the former MA Governor … Willard Mitt Romney is his given name…

    Like the rodent, he scurries from position to position trying to wend his way through the political maze…
    but we call it corn (sorry, bad joke)

  3. Seriously, I think it’s quite a stretch to say that Romney’s criticism of sex ed in kindergarten, specifically, is contradictory to his earlier support of it in “public school” generally.

  4. The key words in the questionare Romney filled out is “support the teaching of responsible, age-appropriate”.

    Obama Stated about 5 year olds. Obama is STRETCHING!

    There is a big difference between supporting the teaching of responsible, age-appropriate, factually accurate health and sexuality education in public schools AND teaching to a 5 year old.

    I just wrote off Obama… Lost my vote!

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