The Weakly Joyce

I think this is a new low, though I have to admit the conspiracy theory that the UN made up conspiracy theories to discredit critics was pretty amazing.

Today, Joyce pretty much equates child predators with environmentalists.

I think that speaks for itself.

2 thoughts on “The Weakly Joyce”
  1. No argument from me, she’s nuttier than a extra-nut-enriched fruitcake. However, I think the highlight of the Leader website is today’s main item, “Death from the Blue States,” by disgraced homophobe gasbag Paul Cameron (I refuse to use the title “Dr.”). I’m sure his statistical analysis has holes the size of a tunnel, but I’m not sure I have the skills, and I certainly don’t have the interest (why waste more time on this psycho?).

    I wonder what he’s gonna do when a bunch of states change color in November. Probably, as in typical Republican fashion, change the facts to fit his dubious hypothesis. To quote John Maynard Keynes: “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”

  2. It was horrible too, but I really try and limit myself to only making fun of the Leader some of the time–it could be a full time job otherwise.

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