I love the Leader Loopers. When I’m not feeling anything particularly interesting to post, they come through for me.
Call It A Comeback
I love the Leader Loopers. When I’m not feeling anything particularly interesting to post, they come through for me.
What’s the LIbertarian excuse for not breaking 5% against Keyes?
If it’s G-Rod v. Keyes the Ds and Rs will be opening the door to a minor party challenge.
Didn’t the GOP give Keyes the nomination in part because they didn’t want to give one person a leg up in the governor race in the primary? That is the first-tier guys didn’t want to be drubbed by Obama, but they didn’t wan to elevate one of the second-tier guys ahead of them either.
So Keyes running for Guv would mean the plan backfired completely, right? Unless Keyes pulled enough social conservative votes to allow a moderate to win the primary.