The good news, the Capitol Fax reached Hyde who quickly squelched rumors he is ill:

9/7 7:24pm: Congressman Henry Hyde denounced rumors of his ill health today as “all baloney.”

The rumors have apparently been circulating for a while, but appeared on a conservative website’s discussion board on September 4th. Today, the “Daily Kos,” a widely-read Democratic-leaning blog gave big play to an anonymous e-mail from a reader which claimed Hyde’s health has been, “deteriorating rapidly over the last few months.” The reader added that some high-level Republicans are worried he won’t survive until the election.

Hyde, reached in Washington, DC today, called the rumors “Wizard of Oz stuff.” His staff provided a list of recent public events he’s attended, many of which I’ve been able to confirm.

More tomorrow. It was a fun interview.

The bad news, now that we know he is healthy, a crotchedy right wing crank is still the 6th District Congressman.

3 thoughts on “The Good News and The Bad News”
  1. The better news (for me) is that since I’m still registered to vote in Elmhurst, I have one more chance to not vote for him come November.

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