That’s Democratic

If anyone is stupid enough to argue Democrat is the appropriate term for the Democrat Party, please take it up with the OED:

2. U.S. politics. (With capital D.) Name of the political party originally called Anti-Federal and afterwards Democratic-Republican, initially favouring strict interpretation of the Constitution with regard to the powers of the general government and of individual States, and the least possible interference with local and individual liberty; in opposition to the party now (since 1854) called Republican (formerly called Federals and Whigs). b. Pertaining to the Democratic party, as ?a Democratic measure?.

Because Eric is having fun tormenting the stupid.

3 thoughts on “That’s Democratic”
  1. That works. Of course, we could also call them the “Repugnant” Party, which is more appropriately descriptive.

  2. ACT in Oregon has all of their lawn signs with the phrase “VOTE DEMOCRAT.” Someone might want to let them know…

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