Getting the phone calls to call the NRCC and explain to them what a pain in the ass the calls are:
(202) 479-7000

To make it easy for our press corps–the press enquiries go to 716-208-1870. I have a feeling it’s going to be awfully busy.

Seriously, hand out the numbers to those getting the calls. That’s to whom one should complain.

3 thoughts on “Tell All Your Friends”
  1. After hours you can leave messages at number that start 202 479-70xx, where xx is most everything up to 99. There are some prime number in the 6x region, including the General Consul, who should be notified about this. They really need to understand how disappointed everyone is about their behavior, from the secretaries to the bookkeepers to the head honchos. There are a few dead numbers in that list. I am sure they will enjoy listening to our complaints tomorrow.

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