Okay, someone made me happy this cycle (actually I’m okay with Pavich’s numbers, but even they’d like to have done better)
John Sullivan beats Lipinski’s take by almost $22,000
On-Hand: 48497
And he’s didn’t spend much–making me a very happy person. The quarter is great. John needs to build on it and using this quarter to show he can challenge Lipper the Lessor is a good way to start–and then raise more. This isn’t going to be a TV primary so the expense isn’t as high, but he’s also fighting a name recognition problem. That’ll take a lot of mail and a lot of working the field over and over again.
The other downside is that Lipinski’s people just got a wake up call and with a primary season that’s going to be calm elsewhere, there’ll be a call for troops from Madigan’s operation for Lipinski.
But instead of pointing out the problems, John established himself as a serious candidate and now needs to use that to raise more cash and get his phone calls returned.
Does John have a web site set up or anything? I’ve been looking for evidence of his candidacy. Haven’t seen anything in my area along Cermak Rd granted it’s too early for signage.