[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Fe751kMBwms" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Yes We Can. I’ve heard that before somewhere.

2 thoughts on “Something Familiar”
  1. There was an as-yet-unsubstantiated rumor floating around DKos yesterday that Hillary’s post-NH strategy was to begin really targeting Hispanic voters with a path-to-citizenship proposal and via Latino media, etc. This would be in anticipation of reaping benefits (ie, votes) in the larger states on Feb 5th, namely Cali.

    If true, this may have been a subtle attempt to begin heading ’em off at the pass.

    That, and the Culinary Local and Nevada SEIU endorsements for Obama don’t hurt his chances one bit in that state and its Hispanic population. (Those endorsements do really sting for Edwards who has relied on Labor support up to now.)

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