Tomorrow (Sunday) is the annual Pride Parade in Chicago.

That means that someplace in crowd, mixing with the sweaty scantily clad men and leather daddies, will be our friend, Peter LaBarbera. [Link contains photo.]

Please report any sightings of this intrepid defender of family values. After all, we have to make certain that the right-wing watching are . . . well, watching. After all, how can one be certain that homosexuality is bad and heterosexuality is good unless one walks in the Pride Parade, ogling at every shirtless — and maybe more! — young man, out in the heat after a long march, dancing to disco . . . nevermind, I have to go now.

Oh, by the way: what event would in the Gay Games would be the best for an undercover right winger to enter?

One thought on “Peter Pride”
  1. Watching an event at the Gay Games?!?!

    Wouldn’t his unquestioningly non-deviant self be better off joining the other two or three bowl haircut fundamentalists protesting rowing event on the pristine — nay, virginal — waters of Crystal Lake?

    That’s where I’d be if I wanted to observe … I mean “protest” … fit, athletic homosexuals getting all hot and sweating as they work their muscles in competition.

    It is difficult, self-sacrificial, quasi-Golgotha duty to observe … I mean “protest” … homosexuals wanting to penetrate our state’s pure, spring-fed waters…

    Maybe I can ask my male friend to join me in his costume designed to remind people of that popular anti-homosexual agenda movie … I mean designed to scare homosexuals from their deviant behavior.

    My other male friend can wear his Carson Kressley outfit … I mean “Sunday best”.

    I’m just sayin’.

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