One of Many Reasons Lynn Sweet is Such a Good Columnist

She even calls out her own paper

Let me point out, I screw up and in two particular cases I really screwed up. I try and catch the mistakes and own up to them. I’m sure I’ve missed some corrections as I am one person.

All that said, it’s a lot better to apologize even when you are mortified at your own stupidity. Sweet seldom gets much wrong, but when she or her paper does, she points it out. I’ve been railing about idiots in relation to the story, some have done a great job–Sweet is one of them regardless of what degenerate liar Tom Roeser says about her.

2 thoughts on “One of Many Reasons Lynn Sweet is Such a Good Columnist”
  1. Do other (“White”) candidates have their personal background taken apart in such detail.

    In ’96 this Serbian or Serbian-American guy in Chicago, Bronko, was trying to sell media outlets on the story Bob Dole was evading questions about his ethnic background b/c his ancestry was really Bosnian, Albanian or some other European Muslim ethnicity.

    The people at WBEZ, like Gretchen Helfrich, acknowledged that Bronko knew a whole bunch about the Yugoslavia conflict, but Dole’s ethnic background really wasn’t a relevant issue.

    All there bullshit insinuations against Obama are getting are time, but the basically the same allegations against Dole didn’t get any coverage.

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