Now That’s the Way to Make the Hotline!

Gracias guys:

According to Amnesty International, when the courts blocked Gen. Rios Montt from standing as the FRG candidate in the ’03 elections, the general warned that he could not contain the anger of his supporters, and “thousands of people travelled to the capital in vehicles reportedly belonging to or hired by the FRG to protest. Paramilitaries and rioters armed with machetes and clubs brought the center of Guatemala City to a standstill in what became known as ‘Black Thursday.'” reports, “Even the Bush administration threatened sanctions if Rios Montt had won” in ’03. Since Weller sits on the International Affairs Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, “he can’t be unfamiliar with Rios Montt’s record of brutality nor his future wife’s complicity in those affairs… There’s both a conflict of interest and a conflict of morality” (, 7/8)

Note–this was from the House Race Hotline

One thought on “Now That’s the Way to Make the Hotline!”
  1. Wedding bells are ringing!

    My Congressman is getting married!

    Yes, Representative Jerry Weller is engaged to a Guatemalan congresswoman Zury Rios Sosa. You can read the announcement at Jerry’s web site.

    The web site mentions that Zury’s father served as Guatemala’s pre…

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