Not All Republicans Are Clueless

Chris Rhodes takes on the hip factor between the major parties right now…

Keep up the Good work

It works for those on the other side of the aisle, but seriously, a rock band that is primarily known amongst young devout evangelicals isn’t exactly a way to target the average young person. That doesn’t mean they can’t have the evangelical band, but you might think of some other activities to attract others–I doubt you’ll get Wilco, there, but there are more than one way to skin a cat.

I’ll say the DTripC has gotten much hipper just as I’m getting much older. But I’m happy to see it. The Survivor bit is a riot and I think even in good fun everyone can find it funny.

Bringing me to the biggest problem of a potential Kerry presidency–the guy isn’t funny. At all. And he isn’t fun to make fun of. I mean, Bubba was fun. W is Gold. What will I do? Make fun of Inhofe every day?

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