Illinois Political Pro Employment Act

It’s nothing like when millionaires run for something, but Obama will be keeping several local shops and people employed.

The Trib ran down some of the folks. Those most familiar to those on the blog:

Robert Gibbs
Bill Burton formerly of the DCCC

No word on Dan Shomon’s role–Shomon does public relations for many candidates and worked for Obama for a long time and is a favorite target in Cap Fax comments for apparently disgruntled people for no apparent reason.

And, of course, to make it bloggy, enter your favorite jokes about the crew (nothing really mean)

Most notable to me is that Gibbs and Giangreco both outbaby face me and I have a baby face.

TPM has a more exhaustive list:

* David Plouffe: likely campaign manager, senior strategist for Gephardt in ’04 and former executive director of the DCCC.
* Steve Hildebrand: accompanied Obama to Iowa and has been reaching out to potential staff behind the scenes, Daschle’s campaign manager in ’04 and Tim Johnson’s in ’02. Ran the Iowa caucuses for Gore in ’00.
* Robert Gibbs: communications director, a campaign veteran.
* Lou Susman: – will fundraise for Obama if he runs, Kerry’s national finance chair in ’04, formerly worked for Vilsack.
* David Axelrod: chief strategist and media consultant, formerly worked for Vilsack and Edwards.
* Paul Harstad: pollster, formerly worked for Vilsack.
* Matt Rodriguez: “friend” of the campaign who helped staff Obama in NH, political director of Gephardt’s ’04 pres campaign.
* Jim Demers: “friend” of the campaign, NH lawyer and strategist.
* Devorah Adler: likely research director, recent research director for the DNC.
* Shauna Daly: likely deputy director, recent deputy director for the DNC.
* Julianna Smoot: finance director, DSCC finance director in ’06 and Edwards’ finance director in ’04.
* Valerie Jarrett: part of inner circle, friend of Obama’s and a veteran of Chicago Democratic circles.
* Bill Burton: likely to join staff, press secretary for House Democrats’ midterm campaign.
* Paul Giangreco: direct mail, media consultant and veteran of Iowa caucuses.
* Larry Grisolano: direct mail, Giangreco’s West Coast partner.

I’m not sure which is worse–Giangreco being called Paul or being towards the end of the list

Hildebrand ran Gore’s 2000 campaign in Iowa which will still piss off most of the Bradley people, but oddly, Gibbs raises more anger over being close to the people who ran the negative Dean ad in Iowa on terrorism.

Vilsack would probably have a formidable team if Barack wasn’t running.

One of the best things is that the campaign team isn’t dominated by people from D.C. That’s a good thing since D.C. is a world unto itself.

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