Illinois Family Institute Attacks Britney

ACTION: Britney Spears reportedly may have a public role at the upcoming
GOP convention. Bad idea. Spears is a very poor role model for girls,
promoting sexual promiscuity, immodesty and even lesbianism. Highlighting
her as a ?Republican celebrity? sends the wrong message for a party
claiming to represent family values.

While you?re at it, encourage the Republicans to feature truly pro-life,
pro-family leaders–like Illinois Congressman Henry Hyde, newly-chosen
Illinois Senate candidate Alan Keyes, and Oklahoma Senate candidate Tom
Coburn–during primetime at their convention.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Call the Republican National Convention in New York
at 212-356-2004. They will probably connect you to their comment line.
(The direct number for the Convention comment line is 212-356-2058.) Or
you can e-mail them at

Also, call Ed Gillespie, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, at
202-863-8700. Fax: 202-863-8774. E-mail:

Republican National Committee
310 First Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

BACKGROUND: The Chicago Sun-Times reports today that the pop diva Britney
Spears is among the celebrities being wooed by the Republicans to add
glamour appeal to their upcoming convention in New York City (August
30-September 1). This would be a huge mistake.

Whether it?s her overnight ?marriage? (and then annulment) to an old
boyfriend in Las Vegas, her ?lesbian chic? lip-locking with Madonna, or
her general immodesty–mimicked by millions of young girls and women the
world over–Spears is a bad role model for our daughters and
granddaughters. Giving her a public role at the Republican Convention
sends the message that ?family values? is not really important to the GOP,
or that it is merely a slogan used to woo certain constituencies.

Call the GOP and their convention hotline and tell them not to give Spears
a role at the convention. Through her immature antics, Spears has probably
done more to undermine sexual morality than all the misguided legislation
introduced in the United States over the last decade. It would be the
height of hypocrisy for a party that claims to represent wholesome values
to celebrate her.

Thanks for getting involved for the sake of Illinois? and America?s


Peter LaBarbera
Illinois Family Institute

You know, I come at it from a different direction, but yeah, she is a bad role model for young girls.

Then there’s the problem of the quality of the music…..

Oh Cross guys…..

13 thoughts on “Illinois Family Institute Attacks Britney”
  1. I am going out to NYC and how funny would that be if we actually got Britney to appear at the convention!

    It would be wild. I think that just as the DNC convention probably had it, the ‘parties’ are where it is at.

    The Dems are having a party called “Sleeping with the enemy” at The Tank in NYC. Should be a blast…

  2. Yeah Henry Hyde and Britany appeal to the same crowd, Bob Dole.

    Anyway why have ‘celebs’ at the convention anyway. If a Baldwin or two infuences how you vote, perhaps you shouldn’t be voting.

  3. “If a Baldwin or two infuences how you vote, perhaps you shouldn’t be voting.”

    First thing I thought of when I read that: why would a piano influence my vote?

  4. Before the lip-lock I doubt anyone would have objected to Britney showing up at a Republican convention. Personally, I don’t have any objection to her being at the convention. It can’t hurt her to be around wholesome, engaging people. Maybe she’ll end up someday being a class act like Charleston Heston. That would be nice.

  5. Dear IFI…Iam writing in regards to your recent objection (attack) as to why you don’t want Britney at the RNC. You people need to grow up and take responsibility for yourselves, instead of blaming everything your child/children see on Britney Spears. You think she has no Family values because of the way she dresses and acts. It’s ok for Usher to walk around in his videos wearing no shirt or nothing but his boxers. But when Britney does it you people go into Cardiac arrest, not to mention pushing equal rights for women back 30-40 years. You spend all of your time lauching verbal attacks and celebrities and trying to be superparents fighting for “the children” instead of sitting down and talking to them about it. And what they think. But no instead you go starting wars and etc…it’s no wonder your children turn to the tv for Guidance. Britney Supporsts lesbianism?? so what? God forbid a celeb were to support something bigger then themselves. Lesbians and gays are your neighbors, co-workers, and Family members. These people don’t wake up and decide to be gay today, bi tomorrow and straight next month. It’s like calling someone mentally challeged a retard or moron for something they can’t control. Fighting battles and not talking to your children about basically saying you don’t trust them to make their own decisions. Did it ever occur to you that your child/children like Britney for her music or Choreography? The more you shield them and say you can’t watch so and so the more they’ll end up revolting and going behind your back which in turn results in keeping things (secrets) from you! It’s my personal opinion when I say I hope Britney does attend and that she does speak or perform because you know what it’s nice to see people who are in the public eye encouraging people to vote. It’s because of your personal dislike of a celebrity that makes you bias and rude to talk about someone you’ve never met. you don’t know if she has family values or not so what gives you the right to judge? You prejudged her without a clue as to all the Wonderful things she has done including, her foundation for the peforming arts, Charities and the millions she donates to these Charities..It’s my opinion based on what I just typed that is that someone should take a long, hard look in the mirror when it comes to judging other peoples family values

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