LaBarbera Challenges Larry Handlin, aka Archpundit: Why Not Criticize ‘Gay’ Public Sex Enablers rather than me?
By Peter LaBarbera
Here’s a little exchange I had with St. Louis-based homosexual writer Larry Handlin of the liberal blog “Archpundit.” Handlin calls me “Petey” — something he learned in Putdown School — and he restates the tired ”gay” cliche of me and Americans For Truth as “obsessed,” purient perverts because we expose homosexual excesses — like the organized public “cruising” network that is part of Sen. Larry Craig’s current sex scandal. Here’s the exchange on Handlin’s blog:
Raise your hand if you think Petey isn’t obsessed….crickets
Hey St. Louis-based homosexual writer, how are your wife and kids?
What would most folks consider Petey’s obsession with another man (ie, Larry)?