He even linked nicely to me lately even though I make fun of him, Andrew Sullivan hits the nail on the head for Obama:
A lot of people are asking if he will and whether he should directly attack Clinton. Of course he should attack Clinton, and, if he’s smart, he’ll focus on her endorsement of the Kyl-Lieberman amendment and her shilly-shallying over torture. But what he should really be doing is attacking Giuliani. The major worry many Democrats have is that Obama cannot stand up to Rudy-style “all-my-opponents-are-terrorists” politics. Give Rudy hell, tonight, Obama. That’s what you really have to prove.
Oh, and bloggers are even having a harder time getting the campaign to respond. Let me put this point on it–you know all those stories about the homophobic preacher even though the other campaigns have homophobic preachers all around—it would have helped to talk some folks through it.