The District I grew up in–except then it was Ed Madigan before hsi rather unillustrious period as Secretary of Ag.
Gill, 45, said Thursday he is actively raising money in hopes of tripling the $101,000 he raised in his first bid against Johnson.
Federal election reports show Gill with $7,500 in the bank, but he says he’s collected nearly $20,000 in the months since that was reported. Johnson reports having more than $240,000 in his war chest.
Gill’s off to a decent start, but he needs more than just to triple the 2004 total. I believe Renner ended up at $400,000 raised and still didn’t have enough to close the deal. In addition, getting name recognition early is vital so you can show a decent shot in the last 4 months–a key to getting real national support.
To help himself, Gill should shoot for a DFA endorsement which helps with both grassroots support and fundraising in the initial stage. I think this is an uphill race, but hope to see a good surprise.
I’ll link up to the blog next time I update links (which will be soon–I have some others to do).