Dan graciously gave me 30 minutes of his time and I’ve turned into a podcast.

Download it here as an mp3 or if you use the rss feed, it should show up as a podcast–you can add it to your podcasting client as I expect there to be several more soon, though hopefully my interviewing will improve.

Dan is pretty amazing and I have to say all of the noise about him is well justified. Remember, he’s a Daily Kos/MyDD/Swing State Project netroots candidate so be sure to donate.

3 thoughts on “Dan Seals Interview”
  1. Dan really connects with people. He is a great candidate and he has a real chance to win this seat. I’ve canvassed for him, and people are really responding to his message.
    He’s great in person and he will be GREAT on TV and radio!
    He deserves out support.

  2. It would be nice if you also interviewed other IL candidates: Dan Stover, Dave Gill, John Pavich, Auman, Waterworth, Hare, Shannon. Gill & Pavich are up against the 2 most vulnerable candidates in IL.

  3. Did you catch him on WBBM 6 pm news this evening? I got the email about the appearance too late. Anyone else see it?

    I like the guy too (and not just because he’s a hottie…)

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