Peter LaBarbera

I’m sure Petey will be a repeat winner and it’s somewhat surprising it took him this long:

The website reports a recent Harris Interactive online survey of 2,500 adults (18 or older) shows more proportionate weekly use of the sites Friendster and MySpace, and more hourly time on YouTube and Craigslist. At 32 percent, nearly twice as many homosexual and transgender respondents said they were online 24-168 hours per week, compared with 18 percent of heterosexuals.

Americans for Truth president Peter LaBarbera says the article doesn’t mention one major reason for the difference in numbers. “Of course what the article doesn’t say is that it’s a big part of their illicit life,” he asserts. “That’s what the Internet has enabled. The Internet is ideally suited to help uniting people practicing deviance.”

And who knows more about deviance than Petey Labarbera!

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