Tom Roeser:Degenerate Liar

Now that Lynn Sweet has reported that CNN has sent a reporter to Barack Obama’s old school and found that it is not teaching militant Islam, we are supposed to die of mortification and beg apologies for even questioning his educative background. Well, not me. This is the first occasion in modern times when matters of a personal biographical nature have been responded to-not by the candidate nor his official surrogates-but by unofficial media sources. John Kennedy was obliged to go to the Houston Ministerial Association and outline his views on Catholicism. Why is it that with only a few scant references in his writings, Barack Hussein Obama is allowed to scamper? Disdaining the asking of pertinent questions is in itself racism: the idea prevalent in those white liberals under 50 who missed the civil rights marches and must erect their own superficialities. I fully accept the blame for setting up the federal office that enacted the minority set-aside program-but I wanted it to last for only a decade. This virulent form of set-aside where it pertains to Barack Obama argues that any questions about his past must be set-aside, ergo the one who asks them is a racist.

Small problem. Obama and his people did answer the questions. In fact, Axelrod responded to Eric Zorn on the 19th.

Tom Roeser is an insufferable windbag without even a passing acquaintance with the truth.

The problem wasn’t that Obama and his operation wouldn’t answer the questions, it is that right wing gasbags like Roeser didn’t like the answer. Oh, and Obama wrote about it in a book. Details.

2 thoughts on “Daily Dolt”
  1. 1) JFK outlined his religious beliefs and how they would influence his politics. It seems to me that Obama has spoken more on that subject than any other presidential candidate.

    2) Let’s see if I understand Tom Roeser’s reasoning:

    US: Mr. Roeser, why did you beat your wife?
    TR: I never beat my wife.
    US: Well, that may be true, be since we raised the subject, we are entitled to know exactly how your mistreatment of your wife affects your columns.

    Yeah, I think I get it now.

  2. […] A few days ago, Roeser insisted This is the first occasion in modern times when matters of a personal biographical nature have been responded to-not by the candidate nor his official surrogates-but by unofficial media sources. John Kennedy was obliged to go to the Houston Ministerial Association and outline his views on Catholicism. […]

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