How do all the conservative Christians at the Leader feel about his ties to a cult leader who declared himself the Messiah? I know I’d be voting for whatever gadfly is running against Danny Davis if I was in his District.

Quote of the article

Oh, yes. . . I have always viewed Democrats as potentially salvageable

No comment.

Phil does take a stab at whole language instruction, but unfortunately for him, his ideas are about 40 years out of date–most research today suggests whole language and phonics are both successful depending on the student. (education policy snark).

Maybe tomorrow’s edition will tell us of something he’s actually done!

One thought on “Crane’s In the Leader”
  1. Phil Crane – washed up wingnut.

    Anyone remember his hypocritical brother Dan? Got caught having an affair with someone – don’t remember who exactly – while proclaiming “family values.”

    Wonder if Phil’s the same way and just didn’t get caught.

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