Circle Em Up! ICFST Goes National!

Judy has raised the ire of the Conservative Blogosphere for daring to criticize Dear Leader. I find it rather endearing when she makes a gaffe as defined my Michael Kinsley as accidentally telling the truth.

Hugh Hewett, competing with Powerline to be the biggest shill for the Administration, takes Judy to task for not rebuking her aide

Does the candidate and staff imagine that no one reads Will’s columns in the White House? Or are they counting on the president’s very thick skin to absorb the slight, and Laura as well to put it down to inexperience with the national press?

When I see candidates wanting to have the president’s friends and their money but not without an obligatory shot to satisfy critics, I know that I am observing a real rookie.

Lynn Swann and Ken Blackwell are also running for governor in crucial swing states. They have managed to do so thus far without playing to the anti-Bush MSM. What pro-Bush donor is going to skip over them to dig deep for Topinka?

Illinois hasn’t done much for the GOP in recent years, and if it joins California and New York as a deep blue safety zone for Democrats in presidential years, the answer is not to prop up occasional governors, but to match up a third big state to go with Florida and Texas in the deep red category. I know that Illinois isn’t going to go from blue to even light red with a governor who starts her campaign by blasting Bush.

Apparently Judy wasn’t assimilated into the Collective and so must be cast out for even mild criticism. On one hand I want to see a good competitive race that holds everyone’s feet to the fire–on the other, I love watching the Illinois GOP meltdown over arguments about ideological purity.

It gets better at a lessor blog that sounds like the GOP has turned into Office Space: Ill. GOP Gov. Candidate–NOT a Team Player?

What in the heck is this woman doing? She has told all Bush voters that she doesn’t want their support as WELL as telling the president — a president whose own political director urged her to run — that she doesn’t want his help, just his cash! So, even if Rove was willing to help her, why would he do so now that she has basically told him she doesn’t want the president’s help?

I’m imagining Ron Livingston sitting at the table with Mehlman and Racicot talking about how he doesn’t actually do anything…

Calling Gary Cole.

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