Categorize Under Unfortunate Examples

When you are challenging an incumbent in your own party, errr…you might find a motivating factor other than someone who was probably killed by friendly fire.

You might also just use one web address appropriate to the office you are running for instead of a bunch that make it look like you’ll run for anything.

Brought to you by the fine people of the

*Renew Illinois
*The Family Taxpayer’s Network
*The Illinois Center Right Coalition
*Republican Young Professionals of Illinois

8 thoughts on “Categorize Under Unfortunate Examples”
  1. Interesting that he’s under McNeil for Congress (guess you’ve made that point).

    Young male Republicans seeking office. Is there anyone you love more?

    It seems Mr. McNeil has been boning up on, “support for the War on Terror, Social Security reform, better health care for current and past members of the nation’s armed forces, simplification of the nation’s tax code, reduction of our nation’s dependence on foreign oil through the use of locally produced ethanol, and a focus on fiscal conservatism.”

    Though no mention of a job.

    Funny – those are mostly federal issues.

    But look under the “news” section. There is young Christopher with the always-creepy looking Pat O’Malley. Pat couldn’t beat Renee Kosel, a woman, with another woman (the delightful Jill Stanek – patroness of fetuses everywhere). So he turns to a 30-year-old man who wants to make you “proud to be a Republican again?”

    Good luck Christopher. I mean finding a real job after next March.

  2. Buck T,

    I think I have an answer for why he doesn’t mention a job.

    At 30 years old, he’s already a member of AARP. Voila, no job because he’s already retired.

  3. The whole site reeks of creepy insincerity.

    At 30 years old, if he was really inspired by the example of Pat Tillman, wouldn’t the better course of action be to enlist? Like the son of a certain very powerful political figure in this state?

  4. nothing is creepier than that O’Malley pic…yow

    But that headshot on the frontpage is pretty creepy in its own right.

    I think I’ve figured out who he is- or at least who he looks like.

    He’s that smarmy guy that was sorta at the periphery of your circle of friends in college. They guy who was always around, but no one really liked that much. The guy with a big mouth and nothing to say, who swore the ladies LOVE him.

    He’s THAT guy.

  5. From today’s Washington Post…

    “White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. is unhappy because too many top Bush aides are hanging on to their jobs — even though he’s encouraging them to take a hike.”

    What ever happened to loyalty??

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