Bill Foster’s Blue Plate Special

Hiram says it as well as I can:

Today John “I’ve Embraced Bush” McCain will appear in Illinois’ 14th District at a $1,000 a plate fundraiser for GOP Congressional Candidate Jim “Bush has it Right” Oberweis. Jim Oberweis likes to talk about ‘common people’ – but it’s hard to imagine too many of his Oberweis ice cream store workers can fork over $1,000 for a plate of food. Maybe that’s part of the problem. Jim touts his businessman credentials – but his ice cream workers earn minimal wages, and other workers earn less than minimum wage in his stores. Most Oberweis jobs, even the legal ones, just don’t pay very much. Certainly not enough for a $1,000 meal.

Democrat Bill Foster is also a businessman. He co-founded and then ran a lighting manufacturing company that pays good wages and benefits right here in the Midwest – you can see some of the skilled jobs it offers, along with student internships, here. Right now Bill Foster is also holding a fundraiser – a virtual one that he’s calling a “Blue Plate Special” – asking you to donate $5 or more to help him raise funds for his campaign. As poorly paid as some of Jim Oberweis’ employees are, I’d guess some of them still might be able to scrounge up $5 for a better future.

Please donate $5 or more to Bill for a “Blue Plate Special.” Bill isn’t offering the same fare that Jim Oberweis gives his $1,000 contributors, but you’ll feel a lot better about it. Supporting Bill is a positive investment in our future.

Get a “Blue Plate Special” now. You’ll be happy you did.

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