Meanwhile, “most people” in the HRC camp are “shrugging off” IA. HRC press sec. Jay Carson: “Iowa is so small, it’s like a mayor’s race in a medium-sized city. It wouldn’t be wise to put too much emphasis on it”

Iowa:  2,982,085

New Hampshire:  1,314,895


6 thoughts on “A Medium Sized City”
  1. To me, it reads as if he was talking about the number of caucus-goers… which was in the hundreds of thousands, not millions. I’ve never heard of mayors being “elected” through a caucus though.

    That said, comparing total populations isn’t apples to apples since not everyone in a given population is a partisan with a declared party preference.

  2. Also worth pointing out … there were 235K caucus goers in Iowa.

    In 2004, there were about 225,000 voters in the Democratic primary.

    Iowa’s caucus turnout is now roughly equivalent to low levels of turnout in an actual presidential primary.

  3. Also worth pointing out … there were 235K caucus goers in Iowa.

    In 2004, there were about 225,000 voters in the New Hampshire Democratic primary.

    Iowa’s caucus turnout is now roughly equivalent to low levels of turnout in an actual presidential primary.

  4. Come on everybody–it’s just something to say. What are the Clintonistas going to say? “Wow, we got our asses thumped in Iowa–I’m embarrassed and worried that Hillary might lose the election?”

  5. Obamafan asks, “Come on everybody–it’s just something to say. What are the Clintonistas going to say?”

    …Well, she could 9/11 start talking 9/11 about her experience 9/11 and how it has 9/11 prepared 9/11 her for higher 9/11 office, or something like that.

    (Is it just me, or does Bill looked PO’ed beyond all get out? Last night and still today, the smiles look very forced. Maybe I’m just biased.)

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