A Decent Kass Column

From over the Christmas break period.

Obama isn’t irritating. What’s irritating is the relentless media fawning and hype. Tom Bevan of the Real Clear Politics Web site recently predicted the slobbering will “drive John Kass nuts.”

It’s true. I have been driven nuts.

It’s as if writers are helplessly channeling the brilliant Obama/Daley media crisis manager David Axelrod, who is using secret powers to enter their minds from afar. Perhaps we should be issued cone-shaped aluminum foil hats–like those worn by the cute farm kids in the alien movie “Signs”–to keep our brains Axelrod-free while typing Obama stories.

I think Axelrod’s power is in his eyebrows. Sort of like when Samson lost his power from cutting his hair, if Axelrod trimmed the bushiness above his eyes, reporters would be so spellbound.

But more seriously, Kass brings up the test of whether Obama would reappoint Patrick Fitzgerald to be US Attorney for the Northern District. One thing to keep in mind is that while I’d love to see Fitzgerald stay around forever, he might actually want to move up the career ladder or get tired of Chicago. I think Kass has a good point, but there might be other reasons by 2009 that Fiztgerald might need to move on. That said, finding a similar replacement is critical and could probably be found amongst his Assistants.

4 thoughts on “A Decent Kass Column”
  1. People need to start giving Axelrod less credit and Gibbs more. Wait, check that, don’t give Gibbs too much credit, no matter how well deserved we’ll all regret it.

  2. Axelrod. Gibbs.

    Anyone think of giving some credit to…um…what’s his name again…Oh yeah, Obama.

    On another note, if I may play the Devil’s advocate…for all the hype of Fitzgerald’s lack of partisan politics, does it or does it not seem the Feds were awfully active before the November 7 elections, and have been silent as a church mouse since? Thoughts?

  3. But Obama’s prominent feature is his ears and he hates for them to be made fun of….

    I actually think it’s more people analyzing every move by Fitzgerald before the election–the press wanted Blagojevich to go down and that was largely the only hope. Now that it isn’t a critical period, it goes back to background noise.

    And the press was out of Springfield which leads to less rumor chasing.

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