Sharpton aims to be the Voice of Reason

It’s really funny:

The controversy triggered by Jones was picked up by CNN Monday, and the Rev. Al Sharpton told CNN that Jones “could offend people by saying you got to unite just because someone is your race.”

Sharpton noted that Obama endorsed Mayor Daley for re-election over two black candidates, so it would not follow to ask blacks “to do something for Obama that he himself is not doing at home.”


Rich has a good take on it over at Capitol Fax as well.

Rich says it well, and I say this not to criticize Stoller here, but to point out this is why local bloggers are essential to covering stories with local angles. I didn’t even take the bit about patronage politics seriously from Jones because he’s Jones. I like Jones, I just am not naive enough to buy that he wouldn’t make the exact opposite argument if he was in Joe Bruno’s job.

2 thoughts on “Sharpton aims to be the Voice of Reason”
  1. Rich says it well, and I say this not to criticize Stoller here, but to point out this is why local bloggers are essential to covering stories with local angles.

    I think Stoller would agree with you on that point, at least.

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