Peter O’Malley has his web site up and running

I’ll have some more on Peter in the next few days.

For those wanting to ask Christine Cegelis questions for a video interview, go here

I currently have a fundraising link up for Christine and may add one for Peter. While I do endorse in primaries and take sides, I also attempt to be an honest broker for legit candidates in a Democratic Primary. I’m of the belief the most good blogs can do is to provide information and I hope even when I do take sides, to do the information aspect fairly.

One thought on “6th CD Dem Primary News”
  1. I’m looking forward to learning more about Peter O’Malley. The animosity coming from Cegelis’ supporters (MyDD, Swing State Project webblogs) has piqued my interest. He must pose a substantial threat.

    It is curious that he has been labled “the DLC’s man.” Last time I checked, no State or National Democratic organization has paid any attention to the IL 6 race, ever. Christine herself admits she needs to raise $250,000.00 before she gets the Party’s attention.

    I’ve been active in the DuPage Dem Party for years and it’s always the same advice—
    “build it and they will come.” The DLC, DCCC, DNC, whatever, will only support a candidate when the infrastructure is in place, all the precincts are covered, the phone get answered and money is pouring in.

    The DuPage Co. Democrats, under Gayl Ferraro’s and Jim Reynolds’ leadership have made progress in recruiting precinct comitteepersons and in building a pool of Democratic Judges of Election.

    It must be remembered it is still common practice out here to hide one’s Democratic leanings from the neighbors and God forbid, cast a Democratic ballot in a Primary.
    There’s no way Peter O’Malley is the DLC’s man nor will any propped up candidate from Chicago fly out here in the 6th.

    O’Malley looks good on paper. His website says he’s an arbiter with the State of Illinois’ Workman’s Comp Commission.
    I think there’s only about 30 such judges–he must have something on the ball.

    I voted for Christine last year but I want to know more about O’Malley.

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