Who wouldn’t pay to hear Melissa Bean do a Kareoke version of “I Will Survive”
Social Security is a political nightmare for Republicans
?Support for the Bush Social Security proposals by a member of Congress yields a net electoral loss of 24 percentage points,? conclude pollsters Guy Molyneux and Geoffrey Garin. Hart polled 811 voters April 15-19, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent. Some 19 percent ?are more likely to vote for a candidate who sides with the president, and 43 percent are less likely.?
Another poll finding that gives Dem leaders mapping strategy some ammunition: ?By 58 percent to 32 percent, voters say the Democrats in Congress are raising legitimate concerns about Bush?s Social Security proposals, not making unfair political attacks.?
The lame rejoinder that Democrats aren’t offering solutions is a bit of a joke given the Republican’s plan(s) don’t actually solve the solvency problem and that seems to be getting through as the impression to the public.
What’ll be interesting in the 8th is what will the Republicans argue for in regards to Social Security?
Private accounts? Gee, those don’t seem to solve the problem.
Bush’s Plan? Reduce benefits more than if things stay the same? That’s not compelling.
It’s going to be hard to run as a loyal Republican to the President and take a clear stand on this issue.
Meh. I’ll stick to Cake’s version thankyouverymuch. Best cover of a golden oldie ever.
Yeah… but the Bankruptcy Bill and Estate Tax repeal votes were appalling. I worked on Bean’s 2004 campaign and I’ve come to truly regret it.
the evil part of me could be convinced that Melissa Bean will walk across the aisle before the next primary season if the Dem unity tanks … mark’s comment is on the money …