Just How Crazy Can You Be and Be on the TeeVee?

Debbie Schlussel always makes me laugh.

Many months ago, readers began asking me whether Barack Obama is Muslim. Since he identifies as a Christian, I said, “no,” and responded that he was not raised by his Kenyan father.

But, then, I decided to look further into Obama’s background. His full name–as by now you have probably heard–is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a Muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali’s son–Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., apparently a Muslim.

And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that’s not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he’s a Christian, but they do not.

Then, there are the other items in his background. As best-selling author Scott Turow wrote in Salon, Obama went to a Muslim school for two years in Indonesia. His mother, Anna, married an Indonesian man (likely another Muslim, as Indonesia is Muslim-dominated and has the largest Islamic population in the world).

And Obama has a “born-again” affinity for the nation of his Muslim father, Kenya, and his Kenyan sister. (Although Kenya is largely Christian, it has a fast-growing Muslim population that has engaged in a good deal of religious violence and riots against Christians. And Kenyan courts will apply Sharia law, when the participants are Muslim.) Wrote Turow:

Obama’s father died in a traffic accident in Nairobi in 1982, but while Obama was working in Chicago, he met his Kenyan sister, Auma, a linguist educated in Germany who was visiting the United States. When she returned to Kenya in 1986 to teach for a year at the University of Nairobi, Obama finally made the trip to his father’s homeland he had long promised himself. There, he managed to fully embrace a heritage and a family he’d never fully known and come to terms with his father, whom he’d long regarded as an august foreign prince, but now realized was a human being burdened by his own illusions and vulnerabilities.

So, even if he identifies strongly as a Christian, and even if he despised the behavior of his father (as Obama said on Oprah); is a man who Muslims think is a Muslim, who feels some sort of psychological need to prove himself to his absent Muslim father, and who is now moving in the direction of his father’s heritage, a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?

Is that even the man we’d want to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, if Hillary Clinton offers him the Vice Presidential candidacy on her ticket (which he certainly wouldn’t turn down)?

NO WAY, JOSE . . . Or, is that, HUSSEIN?

This will be a zombie lie too. Sort of like John Kerry didn’t really deserve his medals and Al Gore claimed to have invented the internet. And she’ll still be on MSNBC or Fox and Bill Maher saying batshit crazy shit with hosts sitting there taking her seriously.

In reality she’s an unhinged fruitcake who couldn’t argue her way out of a paper bag, but she can go on cable news and get face time.

UPDATE: And let me continue with the rant by noting this is almost the same sort of crap anti-semitic assholes use to question the loyalty of Jews to the United States.

Of course, she’s not the only one accusing him of not being a good Christian since Petey Labarbera has been on that train for some time. Because, you know, the United Church of Christ isn’t a real Christian Church. Only True Christians TM are allowed to talk about Christian values. Trust me, that’ll soon be the next meme.

7 thoughts on “Just How Crazy Can You Be and Be on the TeeVee?”
  1. I clicked on the link, read her post and the comments and now I feel like I’m going to throw up.

    Plus I feel dirty.

    You should post a warning next to the link.

    Who the fuck is this woman?

  2. It doesn’t hurt Ms. Schlussel that she seems attractive. But if she’s crazy, the cellar-dwellers who comment on her blog ought to be in straight jackets and rubber rooms.

    Read some of their comments – how can anyone take Debbie seriously when she refuses to take insane, racist lies off of a web site with her name on it?

  3. Even rightie Allahpundit, among others, questioned her …’reasonableness’ in relation to these comments.

    At least Obama’s not black, eh?

    What’s next? He doesn’t wear a tie? 😉

    It’d sure be nice if, instead of talking just to listen to themselves blow hot air, someone could follow his life from Hawaii to Harvard to the Midwest (it always seemed interesting to me that he ended up in between Hawaii and Harvard).

  4. That’s because they believe the only true religion is evangelical because it mostly identifies with the republicans.
    If a church is more ‘liberal’ then they concider it a quasi church.
    I did hear, in all fairness, that some conservative bloggers slammed her on this. They felt she was being embarassing. But, the loonies like her feel this is the way to attack Obama and not be painted racist. They can still raise the same garbage and wrap it in muslim hated and not get slammed.
    The terror thing is not gonna work. They hit that well too often and it’s too associated with the repubs and Bush and they have pretty much been rebuked as stupid now. The public sees the terror thing as a bush thing and so, he is crazy and they are not biting.
    I get the feeling the right is more concerned over Obama than Hillary. They know they can take her on but, Obama poses a serious threat to them and they are really scared.

  5. As someone said over at Kos, “when you lose malkin, it’s over”

    And that’s true. If you’re too out there for Our Lady of the Concentration Camps…

  6. Ah, Debbie Schlussel. I’m what you might call conservative, but I quite often have to say “That’s not true” when someone repeats something Debbie Schlussel says on her blog. She may make you laugh, but she makes me cringe because even her minute popularity helps to suck the credibility out of conservative arguments. Right now, she’s having a ball because she claims some Islamic woman is threatening her. If we put her on waivers, won’t you please claim her?

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