It’s that time–time to give to the candidates who need your help.  For the primaries I’ll be concentrating on Mark Pera here at ArchPundit, though I also have some other picks on the fundraising page.  Click below to go to my Illinois page for 2008 and donate to Mark Pera. It’s not a lot, but it is when combined together.

We are in a crucial race in IL-03. I want to chart a new direction for this district, to bring progressive, responsive Democratic leadership to this Congressional seat. The current Congressman – Dan Lipinski – is completely out of touch with voters and we can’t allow him to serve another term.

$30 by Sept. 30

I’m laying down a challenge which I know we can meet. Our goal is to raise more than $20,000 on ActBlue in the 13 days before September 30th.

To get there, all we need is a $30 donation from 50 people each of the next 13 days. That breaks down to about $1,500 per day.

To meet this goal, we’re officially starting a new fundraising campaign today:

Let me tell you why we’re doing this. Our campaign has picked up in recent weeks and its gaining momentum every day, but an important mile marker is coming up quickly for us.

On September 30th we file an updated, quarterly Campaign Finance Report with the Federal Election Commission.

That extra $20,000 will demonstrate that we have the support we need to win on February 5th. This money will be used specifically to help broadcast our message on cable TV – something which will be essential if we are to spread the word about our campaign.
This upcoming reporting deadline provides us with a tremendous opportunity to say, “It’s Time for A Change,” and provides you with an opportunity to make an investment in this campaign to realize change.

Your commitment is something I take seriously because I value hard work. Everything my wife Leslie and I have accomplished in our careers was earned through dedication and sacrifice.

This campaign is going to be a collaborative effort on the part of many people. We can’t accomplish our goal without everyone getting together to commit – to dedicate time and money – to our campaign.



Mark Pera for Congress
(708) 579-2834

One thought on “$30 By September 30”
  1. I have already kicked in my $30 and more at our NDFA act blue page … so please, everyone else, step up and do your part. Honestly, how often do you go out with friends and drop $30 without even thinking about it? Here is a chance to take that money and do something amazing with it.

    Don’t wait, make your donation today.

    Then come back tomorrow and make another one!

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