Presidential Turnout

In 2000
Bush 50456169
Gore 50996116
Nader 2831066
Total 104283351

2004 to date:
Bush 59117523
Kerry 55557584
Total 114675107

What is interesting is that Democrats picked up Nader’s voters and improved the number of voters. Bush increased his turnout remarkably. This wasn’t a swing voter election, it was a turnout election and evangelicals turned out.

Rauschenberger In

Hang on folks, the race for Governor in 2006 has officially started! WOooohOooooooo!

Capitol Fax Reports Rauschenberger is in!

I’ve said many nice things about Steve in the past. He’s a goto guy on state budget issues and is incredibly bright. I’d considered him a reasonable Republican, until he and Syverson joined in inviting Alan Keyes to Illinois and now I think Rauschenberger has sold his soul to Jack Roeser and Roeser’s cash to win the Republican Nomination fro Governor. Roeser is a wingbat and if that is the campaign it’s going to be, no thank you. If Rauschenberger is the guy to take on the Blagorgeous, I’ll be backing the Blagorgeous thank you very much. He’s a pain the ass, but unless someone primaries him, he’s my pain in the ass.

Someone better get in this race fast if they want to raise the money and paint him as extreme.

The weird part is that O’Malley was running for Governor and now he either has to challenge Rauschenberger or go for some other race.

In other fun, Chris Lauzen is threatening to run for another statewide office.

I love roadkill. Especially when it’s funny so jump on board Chris.

Wait, That’s Chris Lauzen, CPA.

President in Illinois

Of course, if the Illinois Republican Party would just move to the right…..

They could lose every election by ten points or more. Keep it up gang!

Bush, George (i) Rep 2,313,415 44.73
Kerry, John Dem 2,826,757 54.65
Badnarik, Michael Lib 31,863 .62

Kerry underperformed by three from my projections.

The lesson here is I ought to only project Illinois races. I had Karmeier by 8 and he won by 10 points.

US Senate

Deluded to the end, Alan thinks that someone wants him to stay. Thanks Syverson and Rauschenberger. We’ll be remembering whose fault this is when he tries to run again or, if the mouth from Maryland runs for Governor against Rauschenberger. That would be irony wouldn’t it?

With 5 precincts out, Obama is just below 70 slightly lower than I expected, but he has the largest win since since direct election of Senators in Illinois. He also beat Keyes by 43 points which is the largest margin of victory. Apparently enough Republicans bothered to protest against Obama instead of voting for 3rd Party Candidates who did miserably given the opportunity here.

With the two party vote, Obama got 71.98% coming just under 72.11% by McKinley in 1920, though it’s important to note, there were third parties that got some percentage of the vote that year.

More votes were cast for a US Senate Race than ever have been before as well with a total of 5043979 beating the 4939558 of 1992. Barack’s winning percentage is greater than Everett Dirksen ever achieved (he didn’t blow people out), or Paul Simon and Alan Dixon. With the Kerry results, it’s hard to believe that Obama wouldn’t have won handily against other conservative candidates, though certainly hardly any of them would have tanked this badly.