How to Screw Small Businesses

Sign a contract with them for state work, don’t submit the contract for a while and then claim that the inbetween time is done at the business’ own risk.

Thompson is part of a growing class of vendors whose contracts are filed more than 30 days after they begin work. And at least on the state?s paper, she is among the burgeoning class of vendors who started work without a contract.

All this is occurring as Blagojevich consolidates management responsibilities under the umbrella of CMS. His administration is centralizing management of contracts and state facilities, as well as public relations specialists and legal counsel, within CMS.
CMS spokesman Willy Medina said contract delays must be considered in that context.

?You?ve got to work with all the departments that have their own set of people,? he said. ?You?ve got to make sure what they have, what people they have and what contracts they have, so that you know what you?re inheriting. It?s almost like a merger.?

But Keith Taylor, chief of staff for Hynes, has questioned whether CMS is up to the task. Hynes, like Blagojevich, is a Chicago Democrat. But as the state?s chief fiscal officer, Hynes is elected independently of the state?s chief executive.

Taylor wrote in an Oct. 29 letter to Rumman that the comptroller?s office ?noted a number of instances with CMS contracts where proper contract management procedures appear not to have been followed, primarily involving work commencing prior to the scope of services being reduced to writing.?

State government can provide an excellent way for small and minority contractors to build their businesses, a way for them to understand the Salesforce and the future of work, but only if the state is a reliable partner.

Even worse, on the other end of contracts, large contracts are not being given the proper oversight they deserve and in two cases, the Comptroller’s office withheld payment.

More to the point, it’s a bad business practice and a self-annointed reform Governor ought to be deeply troubled by the problem.

How Does a Political Reporter get an interview with BB King?

I saw this a while ago, but Miller got to the blog first….

Aaron Chambers of the Rockford Register Star interviewed him in the December 4th edition

Coolest bit–he suffers from stage fright

“I’m scared when I first get out there.”

Scared of what?

“I don’t know,” he said.

“But I think some people call it stage fright. If you haven’t been married, you won’t understand. But to me, it’s like meeting your in-laws for the first time. … And you say, ‘Oh God, I hope they approve of me. And I hope I can be myself.’

At 79 he’s doing 215 shows a year. Damn.

Who Will Be the New EPA Chief

Since the current one is moving over to be health secretary? (like that isn’t ironic for a guy who has tried to gut the regs on the oldest most polluting power plants).

As Wolcott said last month–does it really matter?

I have no interest in listening to a Chris Matthews panel speculate on who might replace this or that person in the cabinet, as if they were engaging in Rotisserie League baseball. I assume whomever Bush picks will have horns, cloven feet, and a connection to an oil company, so who cares what name the minion goes by?

The Surprise of the Cycle

Cegelis. This is one that shouldn’t be entirely surprising given the Gore-Bush results in 2000: 44 Gore 53 Bush Other 3

If Cegelis wants another run, she should signal it soon, because this should be a DCCC targeted race. Keeping a longtime incumbent to 55, with changing demographics is a potential target. If Hyde steps down it’s an open race or if he sticks around–Crane redone. Dems are still at a disadvantage, but not a great one.

Is Bean the Next Flanagan?

No. Will she have a tough reelection race? Absolutely. Will she lose? Maybe.

Comparisons to Mike Flanagan who held the 5th CD seat between Rosty and the Blagorgeous are rather poor though. To start with Flanagan wasn’t even running a serious campaign before the last coupe weeks when some polling turned up an opportunity. Bean ran in a targeted race for a second time putting down some serious effort to get to know the residents and the institutions of the 8th CD. Flanagan started with nothing, but a protest vote of Rosty, Bean starts with two grassroots campaigns and a ton of voter contact.

Further demographics are different. Bean faces a Republican district, but not one that is overwhelmingly so. I don’t have the 2004 numbers yet for the CDs, but for 2000, the Gore Bush numbers in the current 5th were 66-34 Gore. In the 8th the numbers for Gore Bush were 56-42 and I think that area trended just a tad more Democratic meaning probably around 55-45. A five point swing isn’t easy, but it’s also not a 2-1 disadvantage as Flanagan faced.

It’ll be a top tier race by both the DCCC and the RNCC too, but a President in the second term in the off year is weakest and the amazing level of evangelical voters are unlikely to appear while Dems are still highly motivated and angry.

On top of that, Bean will be able to raise much more money and the Republicans will likely have a divisive primary. Why? Because that’s what Republicans do in Illinois these days.