Basic Incompetence 101

But that isn’t the only area the Blagorgeous administration is having problems, they also haven’t been filing notices of waivers concerning state ethics laws—of 19 only 5 have been filed with Secretary of State Jesse White.

I don’t think this was what was meant when the Governor said he’d be changing business as usual.

2 thoughts on “Basic Incompetence 101”
  1. How bizarre.. I was just thinking that you couldn’t be back to normal yet because you hadn’t seethed about the Blagorgeous One yet.

    It’s been lonely without you, all of us just kinda milling around poking at stuff with sticks, but kinda half-hearted.

  2. So how ethical he is, he hardly EVER waives ethics laws.

    Whou would we get the most comedy value out of:

    1) Governor Keyes
    2) Governor Quinn
    3) Governor Blago
    4) Governor Rauschenberger

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