Tracking Down the Pipe Bomb “Scare”
But OneMan has the definitive take on the Keyes campaign as a whole as well as the commercials
Call It A Comeback
But OneMan has the definitive take on the Keyes campaign as a whole as well as the commercials
Oh, isn’t that cute, a story broke about Bush incompetence–it must be nothing.
There’s a reason it’s breaking now–because the administration was hoping it wouldn’t break until after the election. Poo-pooing it is asinine.
But no, that’s not enough
And the Bushies find it curious that so few news shops are covering the Oil-for-Food scandal. That disgraced United Nations program helped Hussein plunder billions to prop up his murderous regime. Wouldn’t covering Oil-for-Food, the Bushies ask, help prove that a corrupt UN didn’t want war with Iraq to disrupt lucrative payoffs in France, Russia and many other countries?
Given Chalabi appears to be the one with the evidence, why doesn’t the press ask Chalabi’s allies in and around the US government for the evidence? Maybe there’s a reason it isn’t public either?
Chapman addresses why most of the press is wrong
There are instances where it would be a terrible thing for journalists to be sent to jail for refusing to name their sources. But this isn’t one of them, and the press should stop pretending it is.
In this case, the press isn’t protecting a whistleblower, it’s protecting those who sought revenge against a whistleblower.
I remember mostly watching then DNC Head David Wilhelm and RNC Head Hailey Barbour on CNN with Larry King discussing the race and Wilhelm not being particularly happy about the entire evening. But when it came to rubbing it in, Barbour just said, look, the guy came to us with a poll in the last few days and so we sent money in. We had no idea it was going to be a race.
But a District like that doesn’t stay the opposite party. Bringing up the question that assuming you all work for Melissa Bean this weekend will she be able to hold it in two years? Zorn says no, but he’s forgetting one thing–the GOP will have a primary and I’m betting on the unamed as of yet wingnut to emerge to allow Bean to cement the District until next redistricting cycle when she’s given a safe seat.
Sound outlandish? Alan Keyes.
Jacob Weisberg who I often go to for good moments in writing, in 2000 voted for Gore with this to say:
Jacob Weisberg, Chief Political Correspondent: Gore.
When the race was getting started, I said I expected to be annoyed by everything Gore did in the campaign and then vote for him anyway. He’s held up his end of the bargain, and I intend to hold up mine. As a politician, Gore is nearly talentless. As a president, however, I think he would be likely to build on Bill Clinton’s most important accomplishments, hewing to a path of fiscal responsibility while pursuing a measured federal activism that would help rebuild public trust in government. In some respects, I think Gore could be better than Clinton. He is more engaged by foreign policy and a more principled internationalist. Gore’s sophistication about environmental and technology issues is a significant plus. As for Bush, Christopher Hitchens summed up my view perfectly when he described him as “unusually incurious, abnormally unintelligent, amazingly inarticulate, fantastically uncultured, extraordinarily uneducated, and apparently quite proud of all these things.” A Bush presidency might not be a disaster, but it would surely be an embarrassment.
Jacob Weisberg, Editor: Kerry
I remain totally unimpressed by John Kerry. Outside of his opposition to the death penalty, I’ve never seen him demonstrate any real political courage. His baby steps in the direction of reform liberalism during the 1990s were all followed by hasty retreats. His Senate vote against the 1991 Gulf War demonstrates an instinctive aversion to the use of American force, even when it’s clearly justified. Kerry’s major policy proposals in this campaign range from implausible to ill-conceived. He has no real idea what to do differently in Iraq. His health-care plan costs too much to be practical and conflicts with his commitment to reducing the deficit. At a personal level, he strikes me as the kind of windbag that can only emerge when a naturally pompous and self-regarding person marinates for two decades inside the U.S. Senate. If elected, Kerry would probably be a mediocre, unloved president on the order of Jimmy Carter. And I won’t have a second’s regret about voting for him. Kerry’s failings are minuscule when weighed against the massive damage to America’s standing in the world, our economic future, and our civic institutions that would likely result from a second Bush term.
I’m not nearly as critical of Kerry, though I’m happy to call him Liveshot, but this year, it just isn’t funny.
From the Keyes Campaign:
Dear XXX:
ALERT: The Keyes for Senate campaign is UNDER ATTACK.
After Alan’s tremendous three debate wins in the Illinois U.S. Senate race — first, it was the letters.
Hate mail. Letters full of some of the most vile, despicable, vitriolic profanity you could possibly imagine. The workers in our donation processing center practically had to wade through the rush of filth that came pouring in.
But that was only the beginning.
This week, the filth literally DID come in — someone mailed HUMAN WASTE to the donation center.
This is the kind of disgusting behavior we’ve come to expect from the radical left and the enemies of the kind of traditional American values Alan Keyes stands strong for.
But that “package” didn’t shut us down. Our workers disposed of the excrement, and got back to work processing the thousands of donations and letters of strong support coming in from all over America.
Today was different. Today, we WERE shut down.
Today, our donation processing center received a package in the mail. Our people were immediately suspicious — they had been trained in what to look for…
… And this package fit the description.
It looked like we had a pipe-bomb.
The police were immediately called in. They examined the package and called the FBI, the ATF and the bomb squad right away. The entire building was evacuated.
After putting up a police cordon, x-rays, scanning, and carefully getting the package open… it turned out to be a railroad spike with a hate letter.
Do you see what we’re up against? The kind of people we have to stand up to as we fight for the truth, and work to defend everything right and decent?
Today, it might not have been an actual bomb… but it had its intended effect. On our biggest donation day Keyes 2004 has seen in our processing center, we had to SHUT DOWN.
My friend, there’s only FOUR CRITICAL DAYS left before election day comes. We lost an ENTIRE DAY — 25% of our time — because of this threatening bomb scare.
We NEED to make that day up, quickly. Can you help out RIGHT
NOW with an online donation?
When you give online, we can put those funds to work RIGHT AWAY. And we definitely NEED those funds — radio and television ads are going up all over the state AS I WRITE.
We need to intensify the scope of our ad buy. We are getting a “great bang for the buck” on all we are doing with media, but this part of the campaign is very expensive.
If you don’t like giving over the Internet, call Campaign HQ in Chicago, toll-free at 1-866-578-8600 and our volunteers will take your contribution information right over the phone.
Or we can still receive your donation by check. We’ve implemented even greater security measures at our processing center — and our workers are going at it stronger than ever!
To give by mail, send your check to:
Keyes 2004, Inc.
P.O. Box 2004
Dept. Code lyris
Springfield, IL 62705-2004
Don’t let these hate-filled radicals, who are willing to go to such extremes to stop us, have their way. We MUST press on to victory. May God bless you.
(Under FEC law, the maximum legal contribution per election
is $2,000 per person. Individuals may give $2,000 each to the
primary and general elections. Couples may give up to $4,000
from common funds for the primary and general elections, but
both signatures must be on the account. Contributions to
Keyes 2004 are not considered deductible for federal income
tax purposes. No corporate funds are accepted.)
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to be e-mailed Alerts regarding the Alan Keyes for Senate
campaign. You are currently subscribed as:
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P.O. Box 2004, Dept. Code lyris, Springfield, IL 62705
Authorized and paid for by Keyes 2004, Inc.
If true, that’s horrible and of course everyone is horrified by it. As we might be if it isn’t entirely true.
A rather long-winded bit as an internet ad
Oh, wait, it’s the way things ought to on Planet Keyes. Of course.
Raise your hand if it reminds you of a bad televangelist bit?
Holy crap–listen to this one==straight from the 70s
It’s a theme—all 70s
Guided by Truth?
I couldn’t have made this up.
$1.3 million when he claims to be up 20 points? Hmmm…that doesn’t mean the race is as close as Renner’s poll, but that’s a lot of money for “Professor”
Renner, a two-term member of the McLean County Board, has spent $218,000, with the largest chunk of his money going to an Evanston-based political strategist, according to Federal Election Commission records.
That’s the Strategy Group with Peter Giangreco doing the campaign mailers. He does a lot of work for the Governor and I believe he’s working with Obama’s campaign as well. They do good mail, and if Renner can run the table, that’ll be the key to a relatively low cost campaign.
From the Fax website yesterday:
Just saw Barack Obama’s new TV ad that will debut tomorrow. It’s a testimonial ad showing brief “person on the street” interviews of what people think of Obama. Very well done.
The Republicans contend that black voters and other Democrats won’t turn out heavily for Obama because they know he’s so far ahead. This ad is designed to reverse that. More about this topic in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax.
That’s wishful thinking. First, Axelrod and team aren’t going to let that happen, but voters love to be a part of a big win. People don’t like to show up to vote for someone who is going to lose badly and who isn’t terribly compelling (Keyes). They love to show up and be a part of a big win. It makes them feel like a part of it.
Right now the Republicans in Illinois know Bush is going to lose and their Senate Candidate is a stark, raving, lunatic which only has one poll even showing him with a majority of Republican voters support. All of a sudden, marginal Republican voters are finding that the car needs washing awfully badly, and damn, they just didn’t make it to the poll.
I still haven’t seen the ad, but it’s supposed to be good. Given the others have been freaking masterpieces I don’t doubt it. Minimalism is often the best strategy.