I’m not Sure What Capitol Fax said about this, but

From the Fax website yesterday:

Just saw Barack Obama’s new TV ad that will debut tomorrow. It’s a testimonial ad showing brief “person on the street” interviews of what people think of Obama. Very well done.

The Republicans contend that black voters and other Democrats won’t turn out heavily for Obama because they know he’s so far ahead. This ad is designed to reverse that. More about this topic in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax.

That’s wishful thinking. First, Axelrod and team aren’t going to let that happen, but voters love to be a part of a big win. People don’t like to show up to vote for someone who is going to lose badly and who isn’t terribly compelling (Keyes). They love to show up and be a part of a big win. It makes them feel like a part of it.

Right now the Republicans in Illinois know Bush is going to lose and their Senate Candidate is a stark, raving, lunatic which only has one poll even showing him with a majority of Republican voters support. All of a sudden, marginal Republican voters are finding that the car needs washing awfully badly, and damn, they just didn’t make it to the poll.

I still haven’t seen the ad, but it’s supposed to be good. Given the others have been freaking masterpieces I don’t doubt it. Minimalism is often the best strategy.

9 thoughts on “I’m not Sure What Capitol Fax said about this, but”
  1. ” First, Axelrod and team aren’t going to let that happen,” What do you mean by this? You think Obama is putting large gross rating points behind a gotv ad? B.S. They are hardly spending a dime compared to what they have raised. And I don’t blame them. The race is over. No need to put this waste of money on TV. They are doing indiviualized gotv radio ads in specific regions of the state for specific candidates. But no big tv buys.

  2. agree, the time is bought. It’s not much. I will have my buyer look it up and report back tomorrow how much they purchased.

  3. I saw the ad tonight on WBBM, during CSI. It was minimalist–head shots of people–black, white, Latino–in and around Chicago, talking about why they supported Obama. Meanwhile, in the lower left of the screen, they had an “Endorsed by” heading with a continually changing graphic of all the Chicago-area papers that have endorsed Obama.

    Not flashy, not particularly memorable. But effective.

  4. The only reason the Republicans don’t expect a big turnout by black voters is because they don’t spend much time in black neighborhoods. Even in Illinois, voting against Bush is a big draw. But more importantly, a vote for Obama is considered making history. He is the first black politician that is considered presidential by the main stream media, with broad appeal across the spectrum.

    Yup, black voters will stay home instead taking part of history.

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