WTF is with Ginsberg and Buchanan on MSNBC

Simply being allowed to give lame talking points….

5 thoughts on “WTF is with Ginsberg and Buchanan on MSNBC”
  1. Am I nuts or just biased? I thought Kerry won this debate more decisively than the last. Granted, Bush was better from a stylistic stand point — he was less brooding and didn’t smirk as much. But on substance, I thought Bush didn’t come close to holding his own with Kerry. I also think Kerry defended his voting record more effictively than he ever has before.
    The C.W. being put out by the talking heads — “Bush did better/the debate was a draw” — is a predictable cop out. Kerry clearly won the debate, but the media are afraid to say so.

  2. Bush was strident and angry. It was a good thing they put down the Les Nessman tape on the floor to separate the two or Bush would have been in Kerry’s face.

  3. All that debate being a tie stuff was infuriating. That’s why I called into the show–I can’t believe I got through.

    But after I gave my reasons why Kerry won–Americans want policy specs–they just sat their silent. And Buchanan said, “So, you’re Assyrian?”

  4. okay, i’m off to bed. still disappointed that black women just get short shrift, and kerry keeps touting NCLB, but i think we all know who won tonight’s debate. i actualy pulled my cynical behind out of the apt and went to the america’s ctr to see the spectacle. eh.

  5. Ramsin: Hah. I caught that. The woman in the crowd who said the same thing to Buchanan was also awesome.

    “Don’t you think he presented himself better?” “Well of course, I’m sure his handlers told him to behave himself, but his points were way off.”

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